Thank you, Teacher.

Thank you, Teacher is a list of ways you can thank a teacher who has been meaningful in your life. You may be a parent who wants to thank a teacher in your life or in your child’s life. Or you could be a student who wants to express your gratitude to a mentor or even your mom or dad. These are ideas to show them how much they’ve inspired you.

9 Ways to Thank a Teacher

  1. Plant a tree or name a star after them. Then, include the gift in a note addressed to the teacher.
  2. Send the teacher a gift card to a favorite teacher supply store, movie theater, or coffeehouse.
  3. Make a video and share the link over email. In the video, share what the teacher taught you that left a huge impression on your life.
  4. Saying, “Thank you, teacher” doesn’t need to cost money. Pay it forward by sharing the same wisdom your teacher shared with you for another person. Volunteer at the library as a tutor, work with students at your local college, or become a substitute teacher during the summer (when teachers really need a break). Then, write the person you’re thanking and let them know you did it because of them.
  5. Find a beautiful copy of the book that made an impact on you in school, and send it to that inspiring teacher in your life.
  6. Write a letter letting the teacher know what you ended up majoring in in college, how your career path shifted, or something you’re teaching your children because of the way this teacher or mentor taught you.
  7. Give the gift of time. Go back and thank a teacher by visiting the one who means so much to you. Most teachers love to see former students and hear about their adventures in life. (Just make sure to let him or her know you are coming, and sign in at the front office.)
  8. Offer to volunteer in the teacher’s classroom or after school with a classroom project (or if it’s a parent, ask what he or she needs done the most and hop to it).
  9. Put together an Amazon wish list on the teacher’s behalf. Send it to 10 others who know or had the teacher, and see if they will purchase items off the list or donate money toward the items.

Why thank a teacher?

Let us count the ways.

  1. They don’t usually get tons of heartfelt thanks.
  2. Parents who teach are especially low on compliments and encouragement.
  3. The educational landscape has changed drastically in the last 20 years, and teachers put up with a lot. Because they love what they do and they believe in its impact. (Show them they’ve been right all along.)
  4. You wouldn’t be where you are today without someone else pouring their expertise and wisdom into you.
  5. Your own legacy depends on your ability to see the good in your life, and then turn that good into good for someone else.
  6. Teachers are not in the field of making money, but they often work second jobs just to pay the bills and get ahead.
  7. Even “the boss” or administrators in teachers’ lives don’t always know how to be generous with encouragement. You can be the example of how it’s done.
  8. Your future (or current) children will likely not heap praise upon you while they’re young (wisdom tends to come with age). Show them you’re never too old for a thank-you note.
  9. Encouragement is something we all get too little of in today’s world. Give what you’d like to receive.

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